Free to Kill Jews

Although the French say they care about the Jewish community, the recent verdict, claiming a Muslim immigrant who threw his elderly Jewish neighbor out of the window is not guilty due to overconsumption of marijuana, is a horrifying example to the contrary. Continue reading

Have They Lost Their Minds?

San Francisco officials brand NRA a ‘domestic terrorist organization’” – that was the headline in a September 4, 2019, Fox News article by Adam Shaw. According to Shaw, “The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has passed a resolution declaring the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorist organization” and urged the federal government to do the same, alleging that the NRA is using “its considerable wealth and organization to promote gun ownership and incite gun owners to acts of violence”.
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Kinder in die Schlacht!

Ich liebe Greta. Nicht wegen ihrer Zöpfe, nicht wegen ihres Mondgesichts, nicht weil sie an Asperger leidet und auch nicht, weil sie das Schulschwänzen zu einem moralischen Imperativ erhoben hat. Ich liebe Greta, weil sie es – wenn auch ungewollt – geschafft hat, die westliche Gesellschaft als das zu entlarven, was sie ist: abergläubisch, dekadent, dumm, hysterisch, infantil und süchtig nach Erlösung. Continue reading

American Bar Association Considers Defining All Sexual Contact as Rape

The American Bar Association (ABA) will be voting on a resolution that would urge state legislatures to adopt the controversial “affirmative consent” as the criminal definition of sexual consent at its annual meeting this week. Such a resolution is not merely symbolic, as the ABA sets academic standards for law schools and recommends legislation, prompting concerns from some legal experts.
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Communism for the New Millennium

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has mounted a massive disinformation campaign to fool the American voting public. Thousands of members are flocking to the rapidly growing organization. Many DSA members have also joined the Democratic Party, holding key positions in almost every state. Millions of voters have supported DSA candidates running as Democrats. Continue reading

Social Media and Other Diseases

There’s something fascinating about social media—the way it spreads, the way it mutates and transforms, the way it seeks its targets. A kind of organic activity seems to pulse within it, as though it were alive. As though it were a virus. An infection. We don’t join Twitter and Facebook. We catch them, like a disease. Continue reading

Black Education Decline

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio says that the city’s specialized high schools have a diversity problem. He’s joined by New York City Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza, educators, students and community leaders who want to fix the diversity problem. I bet you can easily guess what they will do to “improve” the racial mix of students (aka diversity). If you guessed they would propose eliminating the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test as the sole criterion for admissions, go to the head of the class. Continue reading

Fridays for Future: Die selbe Masche, ein neues Kind

Wer die Organisation hinter „Fridays for Future“ hierzulande durch- leuchtet, stößt auf den Vizepräsidenten des deutschen Club of Rome, Frithjof Finkbeiner. Dessen Sohn Felix Finkbeiner trat vor zehn Jahren als kindlicher Umweltmessias mit „Plant for the Planet“ in die Öffentlichkeit und vor die UN. Jetzt ist Felix zu alt und Greta tritt in seine Fußstapfen. Und „Plant for the Planet“ verwaltet das Spendenkonto von „Fridays for Future“. Continue reading